50 Things About Me

50 Things About Me

This second draft is a dramatic improvement on the first. Obviously it is partly aided by the fully coloured illustration, rather than just coloured blocks, but the layout and finishing touches make it more of a visual treat. Despite the quantity of text barely being...
Layout Improvements

Layout Improvements

In complete contrast to the first draft, I ended up sticking to a strict grid system. This helped clearly signpost that the illustration was primary, and that you should read left-right, top-bottom. The rigidity is slightly broken up by the illustration itself, with a...


The type needed to reflect elements on the poster and isometric grid. When I was playing around with drafting styles I found they naturally took on a gothic aesthetic when using this grid. However I had difficulty translating some elements, for example the...
Developing Visual Style 02

Developing Visual Style 02

Having decided that I was going to go with a more traditional method of drawing the dungeon I could crack on. I wanted to ensure that the dungeon could be rearranged, knowing that I’d likely change my mind when I started piecing everything together. To do this I...
Layout Problem Solving

Layout Problem Solving

This is my first draft layout, and there were multiple issues highlighted during our crit session: ‘Cramned’ is the overall feeling Title dominates too much space Order of read is confusing and does not direct viewer down the page Too many categories of...
Developing Visual Style 01

Developing Visual Style 01

To increase the clarity of the illustration I decided that each category should have its own visual style. For example, caves for adventure, a court for politics and so on. These first tests were drawn by hand onto isometric paper, scanned, then I increased the...